
About me
My name is Melissa Wang. I'm a full-time senior graphic designer, and a part-time fabric designer and craft maker. Here in Singapore, along with my husband and 3 children. I learned to make my own and get idea for fun! Study and share among many designer's own art and design.

Able to work effectively
I lost hearing in my right ear since I was about 2 or 3 years old. I didn't know what's happened to my hearing loss. But in my left ear, I'm using hearing aid everyday.

I can work interacting with hearing employees in workplaces. The first thing I want to say is that you make sure to provide a deaf-friendly workplace:
• Communicate effectively when necessary.
• Writing on paper or email/chat online or use body language.
• Send text message but cannot call.

Don't be shy! Just say hello! to me. :)